What are the magnetism properties present in matter?

What are the magnetism properties present in matter? 1

Materials are classified as paramagnetic, diamagnetic, or ferromagnetic, depending on how they behave in an applied magnetic field. • Paramagnetic materials have partial alignment of their magnetic dipoles with an applied magnetic field. It has a positive magnetic susceptibility. Only a surface current remains, creating a solenoid-like magnetic field.

Diamagnetic materials exhibit induced dipoles opposite to an applied magnetic field. It has a negative magnetic susceptibility. • Ferromagnetic materials have groups of dipoles, called domains, which align with the applied magnetic field. However, when the field is removed, the ferromagnetic material remains magnetized, unlike paramagnetic materials. This magnetization of the material versus the applied field effect is called hysteresis.

What are the magnetism properties present in matter? 2

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