Web Design

The web design track has 4 courses in it and a couple of more courses will be added soon. The student will understand the process of designing websites and the languages that are used to construct the website itself, such as JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and python. Aspects of mobile development with JavaScript is also addressed. Anyone who is interested in learning how to design web sites should take the courses available in this track. This track can also be combined with Computer Science, Game Design & Development, or Data Science tracks if students are interested in topics beyond just web design.

Showing 1-5 of 5 results

Introduction to Website Design

(0 review)
523 Joined

Learn how to design and build beautiful websites and master the basic principles of web design. This course will teach you HTML and CSS,...

Mobile Game Development in JavaScript (App Lab)

(0 review)
825 Joined

Welcome to this really entertaining course titled “Mobile Game Development in JavaScript.” You will have the opportunity to walk you through the world of...

Exploring Java with BlueJ

(0 review)
830 Joined

Exploring Java with BlueJ aims to accelerate the exposure of students to object-oriented concepts and Java. Java has a clean design and is very...

Beginning Python

(0 review)
713 Joined

This beginning Python course is a fun and exciting introductory course for elementary and middle school students. This is the perfect course to bring...

Adobe Photoshop for High Schoolers

(0 review)
606 Joined

Adobe Photoshop for High Schoolers is designed for students to learn the basics all the way to creating some professional graphics. Adobe Photoshop is...