Space Exploration

The Apollo Missions and the Space Shuttle Missions inspired millions of kids to pursue engineering, science, technology, and related subjects. The Space Exploration track is gaining in popularity since it is a highly interdisciplinary track. There are many courses in this track that introduces students of all ages to many facets of this field, not just space related concepts but also computer science, programming, game development, simulations, as well as physics. Computing plays a very big role in space technology, and this track weaves computing and the basics of space technology beautifully with amazing interactions, immersive and fun explanation of concepts, and teaches students to write programs to solve many basic problems. There are courses for elementary, middle and high school students within this track. It is truly a track that is popular with students of all grade levels with different courses designed to cater to the grade level of the student. This track can be combined with Computer Science and Game Development.

Showing 1-4 of 4 results

Introduction to Programming with Scratch

(0 review)
1027 Joined

“Introduction to Programming with Scratch” is a really exciting course that is a fundamental course for all students who are new to computer programming....

Game Programming with Scratch

(0 review)
1015 Joined

“Game Programming with Scratch” is designed for those of you that love playing games. Here, you’ll learn some more concepts beyond just the basics...

Space Exploration with Scratch

(0 review)
813 Joined

The Apollo Missions and the Space Shuttle Missions inspired millions of kids to pursue engineering, science, technology, and related subjects. Many aspired to become...

Game Physics: Classical Mechanics

(0 review)
822 Joined

Games depend on a physics engine or game engine to provide the laws of physics to the game. The purpose of a physics engine...