
Biotechnology is a field that combines biology with aspects of chemistry, engineering and computer science. There are many applications of biotechnology. It is used in the production of products we see in everyday life. Biotechnology coupled with Bioinformatics is an exciting emerging STEM field with wide applications. This track provides a student with exposure to Biotechnology as well as introduces the python programming language. Python is widely used in Bioinformatics. Data Science is also another field that is being combined with Biotechnology and Bioinformatics. This track also provides a course that introduces the beginning data science concepts along with python programming through a course Introduction to Statistics with Python – Part I. High school students interested in Life Sciences, Biology, and Bioinformatics for college would benefit from this track.

Showing 1-2 of 2 results

Introduction to Biotechnology

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515 Joined

Biotechnology is the use of an organism, or a component of an organism or other biological systems, to make a product or process. Many...

Introduction to Statistics with Python – Part I

(0 review)
819 Joined

Python is a widely-used general-purpose, high-level programming language. Depending on whom you ask or which survey you look at, Python is either the most...