Relation between standard cell potential E° and the standard free energy change ΔG°?

Relation between standard cell potential E° and the standard free energy change ΔG°? 1

The standard free energy change of a process, ΔG°, was defined as the maximum work that could be performed by a system, Wmax. In the case of a redox reaction taking place within a galvanic cell under standard state conditions, essentially all the work is associated with transferring the electrons from reductant-to-oxidant, Welec:

ΔG° = Wmax  = Welec

The work associated with transferring electrons determined by the total amount of charge (coulombs) transferred and the cell potential:

ΔG° = Welec = −nFEcell °

ΔG° = −nFEcell °

Where n is the number of moles of electrons transferred, F is Faraday’s constant, and E°cell is the standard cell potential.

The relation between free energy change and standard cell potential confirms the sign conventions and spontaneity criteria previously discussed for both of these properties: spontaneous redox reactions exhibit positive potentials and negative free energy changes.


Relation between standard cell potential E° and the standard free energy change ΔG°? 2

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