Explain the quantum tunneling of particles through potential barriers.

Explain the quantum tunneling of particles through potential barriers. 1

A quantum particle that is incident on a potential barrier of finite width and height may cross the barrier and appear on its other side. This phenomenon is called ‘quantum tunneling.’ It does not have a classical analog.

To find the probability of quantum tunneling, we assume the energy of an incident particle and solve the stationary Schrodinger equation to find wave functions inside and outside the barrier. The tunneling probability is a ratio of squared amplitudes of the wave past the barrier to the incident wave.

The tunneling probability depends on the energy of the incident particle relative to the height of the barrier and the width of the barrier. It is strongly affected by the width of the barrier in a nonlinear, exponential way so that a small change in the barrier width causes a disproportionately large change in the transmission probability.

Quantum-tunneling phenomena govern radioactive nuclear decays. They are utilized in many modern technologies such as STM and nano-electronics. STM allows us to see individual atoms on metal surfaces. Electron-tunneling devices have revolutionized electronics and allow us to build fast electronic devices of miniature sizes.

Explain the quantum tunneling of particles through potential barriers. 2

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