What is meant by the mass percentage of the solution, and how do you calculate it?

What is meant by the mass percentage of the solution, and how do you calculate it? 1

Percentages are also commonly used to express the composition of mixtures, including solutions. The mass percentage of a solution component is defined as the ratio of the component’s mass to the solution’s mass, expressed as a percentage:

Mass percentage = (mass of component ÷ mass of solution) × 100%

The Mass percentage is also referred to by similar names such as percent mass, percent weight, weight/weight percent, and other variations on this theme. The most common symbol for mass percentage is simply the percent sign, %, although more detailed symbols are often used, including %mass, %weight, and (w/w) %.


What is meant by the mass percentage of the solution, and how do you calculate it? 2

Bleach has a concentration of 7.4% NaOCl by mass.

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